
Ayurvedic approach to hepatobiliary disease

Kamla is a very common disease in our country. It is difficult to diagnose. If properly diagnosed, the Sadhya – asadhyat (Prognosis or curability and incurability) can be forecasted easily. The patient also can be informed what treatment is to be given. In the modern science, some of the drugs are considered as hepatotoxic drugs. In Ayurved no such drugs like hepato – toxic drug is mentioned but faulty treatment can produce Kamla i.e. that line of treatment can be considered as hepato – toxic treatment. The author of this paper has come across and treated a Kamla patient, which was produced as a result of surgical treatment in bleeding piles. Thus the diagnosis and treatment becomes easy if proper history is available from the patient. The physician also should note the history properly. Both these conditions i.e. Infective or toxic and obstructive jaundice are to be considered as Shakahshrita Kamla, Hepato-toxic, Jaundice may be due to drugs, diet or faulty treatment and the doshic condition should be assessed by the physician.

Line of treatment, naturally will be different in both the varieties. In Kostha Shakhshrit Kamla, Pilta is predominant and so the treatment will be pitta – shamana and shodhana specially virechana, while in Shakhshrit Kamla, the main dosha is kapha and pilta flow is obstructed. So the line of treatment should be kaphagna or kapha–shamana.  That is why; Charaka has described Snehapana i.e.grita–pan and virechana in kostha – Shakhashrita Kamla. While in Shakha–Shrita Kamla Charaka has prescribed Katu (Bitter), Teekshna, Ushna, Lavana and Amla up to the time pitta colour are there in the stool. In pathya, also, in the first variety, oily substances are not prohibited while in the second variety oil and other fatty substances are prohibited.


Nishant Shukla

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